Sunday, April 21, 2013

I Like Making Things

My dad had a workshop. He could fix anything and I wanted to be just like him that way. So when my partner and I bought a house, I put together a workshop in the basement. I got some of the regular fix-it type stuff like a ratchet set, hacksaw, propane torch, pipe wrench. Regular stuff. But what I really wanted to do was play with wood. I wanted to make little boxes and maybe a piece or two of furniture. The shop grew, I discovered woodturning, and the shop grew some more. It's a grand hobby. And having a shop full of fix-it stuff is really handy, too.

Take a tour of my workshop.

I learned a lot of what I know from online resources like Woodcentral.

I also took turning lessons from a great teacher, Bill Grumbine.

Blog Post One - But You Should Use Good Post Names

I'm Diane Maluso, a psychology and women's studies professor at Elmira College in Elmira, NY. I live in Ithaca, NY and when I'm not teaching, I'm involved with our local EcoVillage, fly fishing, camping, paddling, woodworking, geocaching, and watching old Star Trek episodes. You can check out most of that stuff through these blog posts. Except Star Trek. There's already too much on the web about that. 

 This blog is a demo for my www.women class. Here's the course description: In this class we will engage in a scholarly exploration of women’s work as it relates to environmentalism and sustainable practices. After gathering information about specific women in fields such as organic farming, political activism, environmental law, park rangers, naturalists, etc., we will work in teams to explore and share our findings from interviews, research, discussion, and will create and publish a World Wide Web site. We will also create web content (blogs) about our own involvement in environmentalism and we will also create website content about pertinent issues such as environmental law, women’s leadership roles in environmental activism, women’s experiences with organic farming, etc.